Annual Budget

Budget 2024

The 2024 Annual Budget for the Town of Clarenville was unveiled during the regular public council meeting on December 19, 2023 by Chair of Finance and Administration, Heber Smith.

“This is a budget that balances municipal spending during inflationary times with investment in services, programs & economic development to ensure continued growth of our Town.” Mayor Pickett

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2024 Budget Highlights

  • No mill rate Increases for Residential/Commercial Property tax or Business Tax
  • No Residential/Commercial Water/Sewer Increase
  • Waste Collection – New $25 environmental fee
  • No Poll Tax Increases
  • Debt Ratio – Less than 18%
  • Budget Increase of 8.81%
  • Economic Development
    • Wayfinding, Marketing and Attraction Strategy
    • Winter Expo
    • Community Housing Needs Assessment
    • Arts Initiative
  • Recreation
    • EEC Engineering Assessment
    • Zero-turn lawn mower/ ATV dump cart for trail work/Bike racks
    • Soccer net replacement/Repairs at the Soccer Hut
    • Elizabeth Swan Park softball field fencing
    • Repainting of lines on the outdoor track
    • New Town Christmas lighting
    • Winter/Christmas display for Elizabeth Swan Park
    • Automatic door mechanism for the Bill Davis Chalet
  • Other
    • Multi-Stream Waste Collection
    • Software Upgrades
    • Continued Pest Control measures
    • Pilot – Waste-Water Monitoring
  • Equipment
    • Sweeper truck
    • Pick Up/Work-Truck – Public Works
    • Lift Station Upgrades
    • Emergency Generator
  • Roadwork & Other Infrastructure
    • MYCW 2024-2025 Huntley Drive & Tilley’s Road, Lower Shoal Harbour River, Water Plant Upgrades, Waste Water Upgrades
    • Gas Tax – Thistle Place & other streets
    • Additional sidewalk work

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