Application of Variance: 25 Bayview Road

July 2, 2024

Please be advised that the Town has received an application to permit an 8% variance to the right front setback at 25 Bayview Road.

Under Section 13 of the Town’s Development Regulations; written notice of the proposed variance from the development standards to all persons whose land is in the immediate vicinity of the land that is subject of the variance shall be given notice and allow a minimum period of seven (7) days for response.

Anyone wishing to make representation on this matter must do so in writing on the representation must be received by the Public Works and Planning Department, Town of Clarenville, no later
than 4:30pm, July 9, 2024. Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Public Works and Planning Department at (709) 466-7937, extension 101.

Public Works Clerk
Town of Clarenville
99 Pleasant St.

Last modified: July 2, 2024

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