Notice of Discretionary Use: Pleasant Street/Moore’s Road Development

June 17, 2024

Notice of Variance – Pleasant Street/Moore’s Road Development

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Clarenville has received an application for six new apartment style buildings and nine senior units in the Pleasant Street/Moore’s Road area.

It is noted that this property is situated within the Town Centre (TC) zone. Apartment building uses are permitted in this zone as a Discretionary Use of Council, under the Town of Clarenville Development Regulations (2022-2032).

In addition, a 10% variance has been requested to the front setback for all six apartment style buildings. Council may, in its discretion, vary the applicable development standards to a maximum
of 10%, if, in Council’s opinion, compliance with the development standards would prejudice the proper development of the land, buildings or structures in question or would be contrary to the public interest. Please view the proposed development below.

This notice is hand delivered to all persons whose land is in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development that is considered a discretionary use in the use zone, and to allow a minimum of 7 days for response.

Anyone wishing to make representation on this matter must do so in writing and the representation must be received by the Public Works and Planning Department, Town of Clarenville, no later than 4:30pm, Thursday, June 27, 2024. Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Public Works and Planning Department at (709) 466-7937, extension 101.

Public Works Clerk
Town of Clarenville
99 Pleasant St.
Clarenville, NL A5A 1V9

Last modified: June 17, 2024

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